Thursday, March 24, 2016

CROSSWalking in NT

This Friday is called Good Friday by Christians around the world.  Even though this day marks Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, Christians call this day "Good" believing that Jesus' selfless act on the cross is for the sake of the world.

The mystery of the cross permeates our existence.  THIS FRIDAY, you are invited to take a CROSSWalk in NT to explore its mysteries and to ponder the meaning of the cross in your life.

Here's how it works:

There are 7 "CROSS Sightings" located throughout the streets and parks and buildings of New Town.

Walk it with a group, your family, or on your own.  There's no start time or finish time. CROSS Sightings will be out by 7am on Friday and will continue into Saturday day. 

The first CROSS Sighting location and picture is below.  At each CROSS Sighting, follow these steps:  

1.  Scan the QR code at each CROSS Sighting location.  (Each sight will have a new QR code). 

2.  The QR code will link you to one of seven posts on The Bridge's blog.  Each post will include:
  •  Brief Good Friday meditation
  •  Location and picture of the next CROSS Sighting.
3.  Travel to the next sighting and repeat by scanning the new QR code.
As you walk, look for your own cross sightings in NT.  When you find one, take a picture and upload it to The Bridge's fb page.

If you do not have a QReader on your phone, nor wish to download one, you may pick up printed copies and instructions @ The Bridge on Friday morning.
For those who not able to physically walk the CROSSWalk, you may take a virtual tour of the 7 CROSS Sightings by clicking on the subsequent postings to the right of this blog post. Each is titled in the archives as follows:"CROSS Sighting #.." 


Labyrinth prayer walk Located across the side street from the Bridge at Domain in the grassy area.  (See map!)

Thursday @ 6:30pm: Jewish Seder Meal from a Christian Understanding

Friday @ 9:30am: EASTER Story time with the children.  Easter Crafts and activites as well!

Friday @ 3pm: Biblical Reading of the Passion Story

Friday @ 7pm: Good Friday Prayer Around the Cross + Reawaken Hymns

SUNDAY @ 6:53 AM: Easter Sunrise Gathering
Bring a lawn chair and blanket if the weather warrants! Breakfast following!

Any questions or comments, email

Here is a picture and location of CROSS Sighting #1 .

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CROSS Sighting # 1

"Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” 
Luke 23: 34

On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your unconditional love to forgive me.  Father, forgive me.  Forgive me for doubting you.  Forgive me for believing I could go it alone.  Forgive me for turning my back on you.  Forgive me for not recognizing your hand in my life.  Forgive me for not trusting you to show me the path. Forgive me for not knowing what I am doing.

As I stand at the crossroads of life, looking up at the cross, lead me, Lord, to forgive others.  Lead me to look beyond the sin and welcome the sinner.  Lead me to paths of right-ness.  Where there is brokenness, lead me to mend.  Where there is hurt and hate, lead me to reconcile. 

By your holy cross, I am redeemed.
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.  

Glenmark farms community gardens 
behind stone wall.   

CROSS Sighting #2

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded that you made me a promise.  You promised that I would live with you forever in paradise.  You promised that no matter what I have done or left undone in this world, that nothing can separate me from you.  Like the soil tilled here in this place that never fails to produce, so is your unfailing love for me.

Thank you for not giving up on me.  Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for the promise.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.  

CROSS Sighting #3

“Woman, here is your son... Here is your mother.”  (John 19: 26-27)

On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded that you did not think about yourself and the suffering you endured.  Rather, you made sure that your children would share the same love that you have first loved us with.  You took care of me and commanded me to take care of another.  Just as these paths intersect, so have your outstretched arms connected me to my brother, my sister, my mother, my father, my neighbor, and the stranger.   

Let me love as you have loved me.  Teach me how to reach out my arms to connect with the other and intersect our lives.  Show me how to embrace the one left behind. 

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.

CROSS Sighting #4


On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded that in your humanness and your divinity, you cried out to the Source of all life. In this moment of utter despair, you remained faithful to the calling, and you acknowledged the One who sent you to redeem the world. Like this rock, thank you for remaining strong, firm, and unyielding; able to endure the pains of this world, that I might have life.

When I cry out in anguish, help me to know that I am never alone. Help me to remember that your suffering and pain and anguish was for me, so that I don't need to bear the weight of my own sins.  Thank you for suffering for me.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.

CROSS Sighting #5

 On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your unyielding willingness to suffer and die for me.  I am reminded how physically debilitating to the point of death this selfless act endured.  So you cried out in thirst.  Thirsty not only to replenish a physical need, but thirsty, I believe, for me.  Thirsty for me and all creation to be drawn back to you to be made whole again.  

As the cool waters pass under this bridge flowing down the canal, let me not forget of your ever abundant, flowing grace and mercy for me and all creation.  Let me live a "watered" life, blessed by you to be a blessing to those who thirst for your love. 

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.

CROSS Sighting #6


"It is finished."  John 19:30

 On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your determination to complete the work that the Father had given you.  A saving work for the whole of the world.  From the very beginning, your purpose was to die that I might live.  There is no greater love than the freely giving of one's life for another. 

Let these doors remind me of the doors to your heart - drawing me in - including me in this great act of scrifice that I may also open my heart for the sake of the other.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me. 

CROSS Sighting #7

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."  (Luke 23: 46)

 On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your ultimate sacrifice - your life for mine.  It was here on this cross that you gave yourself up - trusting in the sovereignty of God, the Father, completely giving up your spirit into the hands of the Father.

How can I thank you for what you have done for me but to also give my life over to you in complete trust - trusting in your unfailing love and mercy to be the redeemer of my life and of the whole world.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me. 

You are invited to take a strip of purple cloth and tie it to the cross, symbolizing the tying of your sins to the cross - the giving up of your life into the hands of Jesus who is the redeemer of the world.


Labyrinth prayer walk Located across the side street from the Bridge at Domain in the grassy area.  (See map!)

Thursday @ 6:30pm: Jewish Seder Meal with Christian Understanding

Friday @ 9:30am: EASTER Storytime with the children including Easter activities and crafts.

Friday @ 3pm: Biblical Reading of the Passion Story

Friday @ 7pm: Good Friday Prayer Around the Cross

SUNDAY @ 6:53 AM: Easter Sunrise Gathering
Bring a lawn chair and blanket if the weather warrants! Breakfast will follow!