Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Walking The Labyrinth

Welcome to the Labyrinth.  The Labyrinth is an ancient prayer path the can be found in many religious traditions around the world.  It is used as a tool to guide the traveler through healing, clarity, and insight into the spiritual journey.  

ABOUT THE LABYRINTH: Its many turns reflect the journey of life, which involves change and transition, rites of passage, cycles of nature.  This particular 7 circuit design connects with the 7 chakras. Different from a maze - which has dead ends and false passages - the labyrinth has a single path that leads to the center.  It shows us that no time of effort is ever wasted; if we stay on the path, every step, however circuitous, takes us closer to our goal.

As you prepare to enter the path remember these few things:

1 - Breathe deeply - take your time - allow yourself to go at your own pace - you may "pass" or step around others

2 – ENTER: relax and let go of all the things that clutter your thoughts.  Release the things that block your path of wholeness, focusing on the Sacred within you.

3 – CENTER: Symbols entering into the presence of the Sacred; a space dedicated to receiving and listening to the Spirit through quiet meditation and prayer.

4 – RETURN:  Walk the same way that brought you to the center, anticipating the new places you will journey empowered by a deeper connection with the Sacred.

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