Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CROSS Sighting #4


On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded that in your humanness and your divinity, you cried out to the Source of all life. In this moment of utter despair, you remained faithful to the calling, and you acknowledged the One who sent you to redeem the world. Like this rock, thank you for remaining strong, firm, and unyielding; able to endure the pains of this world, that I might have life.

When I cry out in anguish, help me to know that I am never alone. Help me to remember that your suffering and pain and anguish was for me, so that I don't need to bear the weight of my own sins.  Thank you for suffering for me.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, we are imperfect and fail daily. Thank you for being the perfect rock to hold our bearing and a stable force that is reliable and true. Forever in His name all praises to the Holy ONE.
