Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CROSS Sighting #5

 On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your unyielding willingness to suffer and die for me.  I am reminded how physically debilitating to the point of death this selfless act endured.  So you cried out in thirst.  Thirsty not only to replenish a physical need, but thirsty, I believe, for me.  Thirsty for me and all creation to be drawn back to you to be made whole again.  

As the cool waters pass under this bridge flowing down the canal, let me not forget of your ever abundant, flowing grace and mercy for me and all creation.  Let me live a "watered" life, blessed by you to be a blessing to those who thirst for your love. 

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, as I journey thru life from this point forward, cover me and engulf me in Your Holy Spirit.
