Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CROSS Sighting #6


"It is finished."  John 19:30

 On this day, dear Jesus, when I remember how you hung on a cross - beaten, torn, despised, mocked, betrayed - I am reminded of your determination to complete the work that the Father had given you.  A saving work for the whole of the world.  From the very beginning, your purpose was to die that I might live.  There is no greater love than the freely giving of one's life for another. 

Let these doors remind me of the doors to your heart - drawing me in - including me in this great act of scrifice that I may also open my heart for the sake of the other.

By your holy cross, I am redeemed. 
Bless you, O Lord, for redeeming me. 

1 comment:

  1. Praises to God for giving His only Son to deliver us from evil and experience salvation which gives us everlasting life with Him in paradise.

    May my life work reflect His Holy purpose and I bring His saving Word to a lost world.

    I pray for protection from the evil one whom wishes to distract me from the purpose God put in me, even before I was born of this earth.
